Khaazay is the online platform of Al Twat Trading LLC. You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for the best landscaping. We offer residential and commercial landscaping. Our expert team can give you the professional work that you are looking for. Our stunning landscape work that we give to our clients is our priority. We make sure that all our work gets amazing feedback from our clients. 

The landscaping work includes irrigation and plantation. The best choice of green plants and trees and the right option for planting them is very essential for modern residential or commercial landscaping and install a modern irrigation system which may control the water plants, trees and grass are the wise decision and  irrigation system will not only gives you savings but it will keep you hassle free. You will not be bothering for plants and trees watering anymore because modern irrigation system automictically.

You wanna check more information regarding landscaping work your can send us email for best quote for you.